Sunday, 7 December 2008

A clean slot

I've realised that I would rather say "it's forgotten" than "I forgive you". In human, day-to-day relationship, we never really know what forgiveness means. But a clean slot, that's pretty clear.
I can't remember where I read it, but someone wrote that forgiveness implies treating the offender as if the offense had not taken place, their status fully restored.
Obvioulsy, I'm not thinking about the implications of such a statement in each specific case, and I am not advocating that someone remain in an abusive relationship as a result of repeatedly restoring the offender's status.
But forgiveness, as a word, is just too vague: it can mean anything. I wish I could find a good book about it.


Anonymous said...

"Embodying Forgiveness" by L. Gregory Jones.

"Exclusion and Embrace" by Miroslav Volf.

"No Future Without Forgiveness" by Desmond Tutu.

"The Sunflower" by Simon Wiesenthal.

Anonymous said...

I knew I forgot a big one: "Exclusion and Embrace" by Miroslav Volf.

Hope all is well with you, Dany. Much love.

Anonymous said...

Hey wait... I didn't forget to mention that one! Damn. I need to read before I write. Oh well.