Friday, 20 May 2011

Feminist and Queer theology: here I come!

Over the last few months, if there is one thing that really got me fuming it is stupid pregancy books written by men. I don't care how many pregnant women they've talked to and how many babies they've delivered, I still resent pontifying discourses written by men. Every atom of my body is crying: get the heck out of our field, talk about whatever you want, but growing babies is women's stuff.

And I must admit that this primal womynist anger is spreading quickly to a lot of other fields as well. I find myself longing for a women's bible, that isn't all about "the seed of men" but the "eggs of women" and all that kind of stuff. I'm sure I could find that on Amazon somewhere. I long for entire passages in the bible that would be love letters to women. It annoys me that we know so little about key female characters because men couldn't be bothered to write them in fully.

I'm not alone in this... Every once in a while my female theologian friends end up exclaiming, quite despite themselves "Will there ever be any bounds to the mysogyny of the [catholic] church?" The same is valid for extraordinarily gifted gay theologians such as James Alison who are having, like the rest of us, to reimagine a God that wouldn't treat women and gays as any less interesting than straight men.

So right now, a male-centric bible doesn't talk to me, and a male saviour doesn't talk to me all that much either. I don't know if this is right or wrong, all I know is that I'm feeling it quite intensely and that denying isn't very helpful. It's far more interesting to explore why this is and what insights into the creative genius of the Shekinah this might shed light upon. Making honey from a lot of flowers, you bet!

1 comment:

DanO said...

You should skip the pregnancy books you're reading and read midwifery books. Not only are they awesome, but at the authors my wife and I have seen are female. Midwives are superior to doctors in pretty much every way (did a lot a research about this prior to Charlie's birth at home).
