Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Robbing Peter to pay Paul

Again, just thinking aloud here. At the moment I'm just throwing bits of ideas into this blog and some of them may be really bad ideas. I'm not inspired all the time, I just think too much.

Thank you very much for your kind offer to start supporting our activities financially. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept money which does not come accompanied by a statement of the donor’s other commitments towards social justice. We are trying to incrementally set up a fairer economy by getting more and more people to help effect the switch. This means that, at the moment, we don’t really see the point in robbing Peter in one part of our life to pay Paul in another and we are led to question the validity of working in the capitalist economy while giving some of our surpluses to causes we like.

More than money, we need people’s commitment to being the “Wilberforces” of our century and we would like to know what people do, at their level in their workplace and in the public place, towards achieving a better quality of life for human beings everywhere. In a sense, we aim to be modern Zaccheuses: we don’t offer just our resources to God; we aim to offer up our reformed lives. Again, thank you very much for your interest in our activities. The statements of past and present supporters can be found online, we would love to be able to add yours to the list.

Painting by Aaron Douglas


Anonymous said...

This sort of reminds me of an encounter I once had with a young woman who wanted to give money to the community of which I am a part...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I remember reading about that on your blog. It seems to have turned out right for both of you at the end. Good thinking, in any case...

In the past couple of days I was thinking that someone (unreflexively) working for Shell really should not feel good about buying fairtrade coffee. In the broader sheme of things, it would be like Kadafi donating to Amnesty International!


Anonymous said...

ooh, i love both of you.

...but if ralph lauren gave me one of his dresses i would wear.

i would.

- robin

Dany said...

Now you get to guess who worked for Ralf Lauren while volunteering for Human Rights for a year...

Dany said...

And for the record, the company did not give us so much as a bathtowel, though my friends and I were hoping that it would let us have a couple of items.