Thursday, 10 January 2008

Ricardo Flores Magon on the public order

"The public functionaries are not, as is commonly believed, the guardians of order. Order, which is harmony, doesn't need guardians, precisely because it is order. That which needs guardians is disorder and a disorder which is scandalous, shameful and humiliating to those of us who weren't born to be slaves, a disorder which reigns over the political and social life of humanity. To maintain disorder, that is, to maintain political and social inequality, to maintain privileges of the ruling class and the submission of the ruled, that is why governments, laws, policemen, soldiers, jailers, judges, hangmen, and the whole mob of high and petty functionaries who suck the energies of the humble people are needed. These functionaries don't exist to protect humanity, but to maintain its submission, to keep it enslaved for the benefit of those who have contrived to retain the land and the factories for themselves up to this moment."

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