Monday, 1 September 2008

I miss you

As is apparent from these pages, I've spent the last couple of months getting pretty mistrustful of God for not stepping in more against human suffering. But once again Nakedpastor captured my sentiment better than I did. David posted this twenty days ago and it has stayed with me since.
Edit (Sept. 2nd): Today, I was browsing my enormous pile of notes in order to further enrich my thesis narrative. I had condensed all my findings into soundbites, and then weaved the soundbites into storylines, so it had been a while since I had actually worked with my primary notes.
I liked working with my notes again. This is stuff that was gathered between October 2005 and October 2006, so it reminded me of the person I was then. By chance I found an old to-do-list on which I'd collected very valuable information. That info was easily retrievable elsewhere, but it would have taken some time.
So I was pleased. Handel's messiah pleased. For fun I played the hallelujah chorus on Deezer. It had the same effect. I used to love Handel and listen to it quite a bit, but I haven't done so in a couple of years. And like my notes, it transported me back a few years, when I wasn't mistrustful and cynical and lost. It's like the "system restore" function on a computer, I get to go back to the configuration as it was at a point in the past. Me two years ago, who would wake up and feel like singing to God all day long. This is weird.

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