Saturday, 2 July 2011

Somebody tell me just what is humility?

Oh God, I think that all my understandings of humility are all very very wrong.

It's one of those areas of theology in which I definitely feel less than inspired and have zero inklings about where the life-giving truth might be hidden. This bugs me, because on many questions, I can usually find a good seam to explore. But on the topic of humility, I simply have no idea!

For a while, I thought that humility was a luxury. Basically, if you are secure in the things that matter, you don't need recognition all that much, you're free not to seek it and you can be as humble as you want because you're loved quite independently of any outward achievements. You don't waste any time seeking glory and you don't give a rats about what people think.

Now this strikes me as a very flawed answer. It's reverse snubbery I'm talking about here rather than humility. And I don't even know where to start...

1 comment:

DanO said...

Don't know if you will see this comment, but I've been thinking about this post ever since you wrote it.

Basically, I've come to the conclusion that humility is the deeply-rooted realization of one's absolute and total insignificance and the utter futility and meaninglessness of pretty much everything one does.

Once you learn that, people start calling you "humble." The humourous thing is that, at this point, after having had thoughts about wanting to be more "humble" and so forth, you really don't give a flying fuck about being labeled as such.

That, at least, has been my own experience.