Wednesday 28 December 2011

Joy to the world, Christmas is over !!!

Beth Anne, over at Heir to Blair wrote the following on December 19th:

I hate that for the past six years, the holidays had become a burden because of my previous employment. We pulled out dusty Christmas trees & bins of ornaments, thousands to take inventory. A week later, my day was spent decorating three, four, sometimes five Christmas trees & hanging garland until I trudged home exhausted & filthy. Then I would stand in my living room, staring at my fresh tree & wonder how I could muster another string of lights. I felt dull putting the pieces of my beloved nativity up, a present from Doug, because I had already set up two similar stables around my office. I wondered how I could bake cookies with my child when the sight of the piles of sweets, gifts from other companies, made my blood sugar & pressure rise. Last year, I did not plan or throw my traditional tacky sweater party because after two company gatherings & three resident parties, I was partied out. (& not in the exhilerated way we all remember from our twenties.)

I know the feeling. Christmas this year has been hectic, and at my 10th Christmas service in one week (all followed by socialising and answering the same dumb questions by total strangers), I thought my mind was going to explode. I'm sad to say that this has become a real drudge. We're so Chritmassed out we haven't even bothered to open our presents yet, or the kid's. I can't ever be with my family again at this time of the year because then my husband would have to be on his own. Must find a way to keep it real next year.

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