Friday, 2 December 2011

Clergy wife 201

After the spectacular debacle of the introduction course, we did make it to year two. What I've learnt this week:

I must be some congenial easy-to-access type of gal. I have never managed to scare anyone off. Hell, some days I can even pat the wildlife: squirels, birds, wild cats and field mice. I am just non-threatening in the best sort of way.

A lot of people who I am tempted to dismiss as not my type of Christian have huge pastoral issues. I should probably cut them some slack and be careful before saying no to their invitation to paddle in their indoor swimming pool.

I should be careful who (and when) I ask about what is going on on the community service front. If I ask the overworked busybody who is desperate for help, she would sign me up this minute while I was just enquiring and giving myself a week or two to see what I would indeed like to sign up for.

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