Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Mr Sauder's Commencement Address

Yesterday while reviewing my notes I came across a passage that I had lifted from one commencement lecture given at the Faith Mennonite High School by a guy called Mr Sauder. This address is absolutely brilliant and quite possibly the number one best thing I’ve read this year so I thought I’d link to it. The initial link was provided a while back by Espiritu Paz, to whom I referred a couple of posts back. An exceptional blog in many respects.

"But the most important point I want to make in connection with this sort of sacrifice is that you must be committed to it, in the deepest parts of your soul, in order to go through with it. There will be difficult moments, perhaps when your investments have displaced the resources that another tribe survived on for centuries and you have to briefly glance at painful newspaper pictures of their starving bodies over your morning cup of coffee, or listen to sobering 25 second sound bite analysis of their deadly poverty during which Expert Economists try to explain that their deaths were unavoidable".

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