Thursday, 25 October 2007

This made me laugh...

(on whether recreational flying is "a symptom of sin")
This bishop is not very fun. A real Christian would be talking in terms of airflight being 'Wanton Harlotry afloat on the Devil's Own Breath' or words to that effect. If we could get more blood and thunder in the church's utterances they may get more credibility. For instance they could draw attention to the colour of the tarmac used at airports and say that 'Evil is that Black Expanse upon which the Godless artifacts of the Misbegotten, nay and thrice nay, etc. etc.' Let's have some good old Bible waving and shouting from the pulpit about lost souls in torment. Is there any wonder people stay away from the churches if all one gets from the clergy is the same old crap that the politicians are coming out with?
The comment was left by "Slightfoxing" on the Guardian's Comment Is Free page.

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