Tuesday, 21 October 2008

An open letter to the GAFCON enthusiasts

Reading through some comments on the Jerusalem declaration, I’m bound to notice that I don’t even like a lot of churchy people. What is the point of travelling to the GAFCON conference on your own expense as a lay person, and then step up on some hyped-up podium to affirm that you are thrilled to have contributed to saving Anglicanism from dangerous unorthodoxy. Then what is the point of affirming, from your position of affluent privilege, that Jesus died the death we deserved? So my little sister deserves to be tortured to death? Says who? Wait a minute, I remember you. You’re the one that affirms that Gandhi is in hell. I’m very glad that I’ve very rarely been exposed to the fucked up theology that dwells in your head. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m not feeling very well.

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