Monday, 17 December 2007

French time is secular time!

In less than one week, I'll be in France. In all likelihood, that means no (outspoken) religion for a while. We've pushed religion very, very far into the private sphere of individuals and particular congregations. It doesn't get discussed in public at all, unless you're in a very specific context, or with close friends at the end of the night.

That doesn't mean we don't believe, it means we don't talk about it. In France, nearly all my friends are fiercely secular. In France, a great many of my friends are gay -and I can't wait for that new year's eve party!-. In France, all of my friends are idealistic little buggers who try to keep our country humane and give Sarkozy a hard time. In France, nearly all of these friends pray. Alternate soteriology or not, I love our common weal and I love France.

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