Sunday 16 December 2007

In some corner of England II

Rich is this flamed up young man. A combination of a lot of suffering and a lot of faith have turned him into the most exciting 20 year old I know. Theo is a retired CoE minister who comes to our church because it's pretty laid back, but basically he's a sarcastic grumpy old chap. Three weeks ago, I was taking Theo out for dinner and Rich joined us. Now each time I see Rich, he tells me how much he liked Theo: "Theo knows so much, and he's got so much wisdom" and so on and so forth. Each time I see Theo, he always asks me lots and lots about Rich. Sounds like we're going to do dinner again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Changing the word three lives at a time (at my last count). Congrats!