Sunday, 20 May 2007

Business as usual

I spent some of the afternoon pondering on how I was going to conciliate some of my very radical tendencies with the benedictine idea of moderatio. I surfed the web, thought hard, took some notes... I was going to finally have a clear position on stewardship and that kind of stuff. It was going to be quite good: I would not have settled for anything less than great stuff.

But it was going nowhere. I moved on, thinking that my grand project might take me a while, and that I'll have get back to it. And then it occured to me that I was not going to live by a written rule, however defined. I was going to live by tuning in to God directly for guidance. Um, okay.

The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. John 10 3-4

Edit: And this morning I was thinking that this was not funny: I could not discern anything on a topic which had been of genuine concern for a while. Turns out the right thing to do is something I don't really want to do. So now I long to escape and I have a renewed enthusiasm for my (suddently) very wonderful job. As my friend John was saying when he got asked what he did when he thought God seemed to want him to take a particular course of action: "You mean those? My policy is to ignore them" with a lovely smile. John is a benedictine monk.

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