Sunday 5 August 2007

Fresh Croissants

I’m ambivalent about this blog. I find that I withhold the best, most prayerful bits. The other day I had a huge epiphany and the first thing I wanted to do was blog about it. But I resisted this with all my weight. I won’t freeze that kind of stuff. I'm so thankful for it that I don't even know how to handle it.

Then, on the other hand, I really, really love bloggers who do not withhold these. They would blog about random things, being moderately inspired, and then suddenly there’s a rawness, a genuineness which leaves me breathless. What they’re referring to feels like my home. Or, should I say, our home.

These are real internet gems, and I’m too defensive even to link to them. Partly because they’re tiny, almost private blogs. Also because I don’t want to praise them nominally. They don’t need that. So I'll just leave a comment or two...

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