Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Coffee number five: "I wanted to be snappy at her, but I wasn't"

Rebecca is a theology student...

D Hey Rebecca, what the hell does the Gospel mean by "take up our cross daily"?

R You know, take whatever suffering is coming your way on any given day.

D Well, I woke up at 9.30 in my warm bed this morning. Then I worked on my PhD sitting on that same bed for the rest of the day, listening to Faithless. That's not a lot of cross. Why is the image so damn brutal then?

R Um, here's the way I took up my cross today: my friend was being so annoying that I really wanted to be snappy at her but I wasn't.

D Um, thanks Rebecca, sorry I asked you that.

I walk to the dinner table. There's a huge chocolate cake which I made for a flatmate's birthday. Other flatmates are chatting exitedly about a wedding one of them attended. There's a newspaper on the table. The (sore) face of a man beaten to death while in British custody is splattered across the page. I really, really don't want an answer to my question.

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