Sunday, 1 July 2007

Guide to the Quaker language

"Quakerism, particularly in its corporate expressions, has developed its own peculiar patois. In an effort to help orientate new staff, the following translations of commonly used phrases are offered:

-I have a concern.
(I understand this subject better than anyone here.)

-Thee has a concern.
(Thee's stubborn isn't thee?)

-He (she) has a concern.
(He (She) gets hold of an idea and just won't let up on it.)

-Although I dislike being divisive, I cannot in conscience agree that this work
should go forward in the manner proposed.
(Over my dead body!)

-While we respect our friend's right to dissent, we hope he will feel able to unite
himself with the group in this decision.
(OK buddy. Over your dead body!)

-The name of that Friend would not have occurred to me.
(Good God! Not HIM!)

-I have certain hesitations.
(This always means NO!)

-Staff are encouraged to be present.
(You better be there... or else.)

-It has occurred to me while we have been discussing this...
(Stand back everybody...I've been thinking about this for weeks and I'm about to
give you all the word on it.)

-After a widely ranging discussion, the group was unable to reach consensus.
(It was a real knock-down, drag-out fight.)"

via this site:

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