Wednesday 25 July 2007

Love is looking together in the same direction

Does anyone else loose patience with the notions of “being Christ to your neighbours” or asking “what would Jesus Do”? I’m sure these can be useful concepts on some occasions, but I find that they seriously mess up my subject positions and introduce a huge distance between the poor and me. For the record, I’m a sinner redeemed by grace. My place is right there kneeling on the pavement with the guy who does so in Munich, begging for God’s grace. We are all poor, some of us are also poor economically*.

Maybe God will give us the grace of obeying his will. Of all prayers I like the blind beggar's best. I'm not sure whether it's the appealing to Jesus which I love or the knowledge that He will, in fact, have mercy on us beggars.

* I realise that this last line has sometimes been used to attack liberation theology. This is not the way I mean it, and I am not saying that economic poverty is irrelevant to the Kingdom. Just that I don't like bourgeois alms-giving, a moment in which we get to feel all good and righteous while this is the very moment at which our humility is most needed. How do we dare feeling like the good guys? No one is good but God.

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